Walgreens in Milford, Connecticut

On our website you will find full information about Walgreens in Milford at 1083 Boston Post Road

Based on 1 reviews

Convenience stores in Milford

Contacts of Walgreens

ZIP 06460

Locality Milford

Address 1083 Boston Post Road

Phone +1 203-878-7265

Website walgreens.com

Update information

The location map and directions to Walgreens in Milford are based on the coordinates we have: latitude 41.2327940, longitude -73.0425939. If you are going to drive a car and use the navigator, you can add the coordinates [41.2327940,-73.0425939] to the navigator and you will get where you need to go!

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Reviews of Walgreens

I had the displeasure of checking out with an incredibly rude and unfriendly cashier during closing. I was literally threatened by an employee and I AM a WALGREENS employee myself. I'm a senior pharmacy tech at my location and my cousin was with me and bought a Wexford Calculator and highlighters. And I was told if I worked in the store I would be fired for using my employee discount. Which is applicable to you AND your family. Especially when your family has you standing right by them. Just because he has an accent as he's older and didn't go to school here in America she assumed I'm handing it out to people. He just arrived in America not too long ago and I thought helping him get on his feet while he's LIVING WITH ME currently would be the least I can do for someone who was my tutor and guiding hand as a child. Without his help I wouldn't be on my way to become a pharmacist and essentially have the opportunities I have in this country. I had spoken to my store manager before I visited conneticutt and cleared it with him that I can apply my discount to me and my cousin who's here with me on a leadership training seminar for our jointly owned subway, an opportunity he deserves as he gets on his feet now and the best way I can repay him for his help to me. As I'm explaining this I hear a booming "It doesn't matter because in this store you'd be fired". Over a 4.99 calculator, 2.49 post its, 1.99 highlighters and a small, not even a whole gallon, of milk(something that is exempt from the discount anyways)amounting to less than 10 dollars, I had to stand there as my family member was treated as a thief for not speaking English without an accent. The store management should look into retraining the staff on customer service because if that's how they treat fellow employees what happens to customers? At least I hope some REAL management reads this. Walgreens places an emphasis on customer service, taking care of the customer both in the pharmacy and retail operations and this left me completely confounded. I work hard 40 hours a week to maintain the standard expected of Walgreens employees and the image of a happy and healthy place to get your well being needs fulfilled. If any management is ever going to read this feel free to contact me so I can tell you who my Rx manager and Store manager is and they'd both be more than willing to vouch for my dedication to this company and its mission over the last 3 and a half years. Only to be treated so poorly by another fellow employee, a non management employee no less, who threatened to fire another fellow employee based on assumptions she had no right to make. The worst part was having to explain to my cousin who I had been raving to the entire day about how easy it would be to get our supplies at a Walgreens rather than the CVS down the road. Guess it's really about the people who work at each location not the company itself. I'm very disappointed and will be taking my business somewhere else for the remainder of my stay and all subsequent stays here in Milford. Because a discount of 15% isn't worth being treated in such an undignified manner.
January 15, 2022 9:14 AM, Cheyanne Kemmer

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All reviews about Walgreens in Milford have been added by our users. We are not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for their relevance and objectivity. But we hope that the reviews about Walgreens will be useful for you! At the moment, 1 reviews have been left about Walgreens in Milford and the average rating on reviews is 1.0 out of 5

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Information about Walgreens

Added at September 21, 2022
12:36 AM
Updated at September 21, 2022
12:36 AM
Users rating 1 4
Count reviews 1
Reviews mark
★ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
Latitude 41.2327940
Longitude -73.0425939

1 The Walgreens user rating is our internal metric, calculated from a large number of parameters! This metric does not reflect our attitude to Walgreens in Milford and is just a mathematical expression of a certain formula!

More information about Walgreens in Milford

Walgreens company is located in Milford, at the address: 06460, 1083 Boston Post Road.

You can always call Walgreens and specify the opening hours, the exact address, as well as find out any information by calling +1 203-878-7265.

If it is easier for you to find out more about Walgreens on the Internet then we recommend that you visit the site walgreens.com.

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